Foreign Exchange Litigation / Non Realization of Export Proceeds Litigation
Exporters who are facing Non realization of Exports Proceeds or foreign exchange litigation by the state Bank & having hindrances in obtaining research & development claims can avail our expeditious, legal services. Our team of barristers, lawyers & consultants defends with sure success commitments.
If you think that your lawyer is not up to your expectation & your litigation is elongated unnecessarily & you apprehend imminent conviction or heavy fine or if you want maximum outcomes of you, have paid to your lawyers then The Lexicon Juret is the right place.
Research & development claims always remain very challenging to obtain, especially when it became old. We expedite your process & make sure you have it in shortest possible time. We would be delighted to render you our services on CFA (Conditional Fee Agreement) basis, for instance “No win no fee”.
Admiralty Litigation
Lexicon Juret deals in Admiralty, ports, Customs and shipping Matters. High court of Sindh & Baluchistan has the Jurisdiction to entertain admiralty matters pertain to shipping and cargo and consonated issues. In Pakistan, Admiralty Law is governed by ‘Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1925’ & the ‘Merchant Shipping Ordinance 2001. ‘ The jurisdiction of the admiralty law is conferred upon the province of Sindh and Balochistan High Court, through the ‘Admiralty Jurisdiction of High Court Ordinance 1980. sea carriers and cargo handling by sea in paksitan is deals with the laws, includes,
Karachi Port Trust Act, 1886.
Fisheries Act, 1897.
Ports Act, 1908.
Law of Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1925.
Port Qasim Authority Act, 1973.
Pakistan Maritime Security Agency Act, 1997.
Pakistan Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 2001
Civil & Corporate Litigation
Civil matters up till the value of 65 Million PKR are proceeded in lower courts of original jurisdictions (The court of senior civil judge) whereas the civil matters of properties or contracts involving the financial value above 65 Million PKR are proceeded in High Courts.
Some property matters wherein no factual controversy is involved may be proceed by way of constitutional petition under Writ jurisdiction.
Lexicon Juret prosecutes and defends all sorts of civil suits, money suits including title, possession and dispossession in respect of all kinds of properties including residential, commercial, open land/plots, trusts properties and recovery of amounts etc.
Lexicon Juret pleads for enforcement/specific performance of contracts on behest of its competent team of lawyer’s expert on contract laws.The corporate lawyers of our firm also deal with admiralty and shipping litigation issues.
Real Estate Litigation
(Humans) has natural rights to property and its security. The right to private property arises by just steps from a state- of- nature in which all resources are held in common witnessing the essence of natural law. Sometimes state fails to secure it, but you need a good Lawyer to understand your property issues and move your litigation problems in right way on right time
Lexicon Juret of Pakistan provides expeditious litigation solutions in the field of real Estate. Our specialized team of lawyers applies multidimensional legal tools to secure short term disposal of real estate court matters. Lexicon Juret has 12 years of experience dealing with real estate litigation and has successfully defended the rights of their valuable clients and has firmly prosecuted illegal occupants, land grabbers and encroachers by applying criminal laws along with civil proceedings.
Our legal team has vast experience to deal with real estate issues pertaining to title, possession etc. real estate, residential properties and industrial estate is dealt by KDA, MDA Board of Revenue, Goth Abad Scheme, Katchi Abadi Authorities in Karachi and our legal team is well competent to prosecute and defend the title rights of our valuable clients against these departments.
Our legal team adopts smart skills and proceeds most of the real estate litigation issues by way of constitutional writ petitions in order to seek expeditious solutions where applicable.
Criminal Litigation
The criminal litigation is the human law having its sources laid down to guarantee the welfare and peace within the state and to control social order amongst the citizens. The criminal litigation was developed in the earliest ages, providing the victim or aggrieved person’s satisfaction by applying deterrence to the wrong doers by way of imprisonment.
Criminal Courts in Pakistan are provided with the procedural law to prosecute the person charged with any allegation. Distinction amongst the offences has been made by legislation with their different impacts on society by way of its nature and so the penalties and imprisonments are applied, but there are possibilities that sometimes innocent become the victim of criminal justice system and we are there to help them out.
The criminal legal team of Lexicon Juret has long experience and competence to deal with criminal prosecution generally and defense proceedings particularly. Team of criminal lawyers provides services for grant of bail, bail before arrest, transitory bail or protective bail in criminal cases from criminal courts of all jurisdictions i.e. High Court, Sessions Court, Narcotics Court, FIA Court, NAB Court, Anti Corruption Court, Customs Court, Anti-Terrorist Court.
We also provide services to defend any criminal trial with expertise in witness handling.
Narcotics Law Litigation
Drug Law in Pakistan being special law does not distinct between the foreigner and local citizen. The Court’s approach over the legal dispute is dynamic and even minor discrepancies are overlooked. Intention of the Law is to control the production, processing and trafficking of the drugs within the state and even smuggling it outside. The force dealing with this nature is Local Police; Special Force of Anti Narcotics is also established.
The Court implementing the law and dealing investigation are established under Anti-Narcotics Court having premises at Clifton Karachi, dealing with the matters under ordinary Criminal Procedure Code and ANF Act. Bail matters with the recovery of or less 1000 grams are often allowed subject to circumstances, but the matter relating to more then 1000 grams are probably entertained from the High Court of Sindh in appellate.
jurisdiction.Cases for 100 grams or less are dealt in the ordinary court having jurisdiction over criminal matter and are considered bail able
Lexicon Juret of Pakistan is specialized team of lawyers practicing in narcotics courts, defending excellently and expeditiously, the national and international clients. We skillfully demonstrate mitigating circumstances for seeking bail and less conviction. Our firm office is located very near to Karachi Narcotics Court and our lawyers are capable to attend there promptly.
Family & Guardian Litigation
We always wish that everyone may live a happy and prosperous family life , we strongly support feminism. Our intentions in all sorts of family litigation is to protect rights of women and to save her from brutality and victimization at the hand of men.
Lexicon Juret accepts selected briefs of family litigation on appellate side in respect of divorce, separation, dissolution of marriage, recovery of dower articles, maintenance of spouse and children and appointment of guardian issues and custody of wards.
Cyber Crime Litigation

As of emerging penal laws, cyber crime prosecution has become dire need of the Law. Paksitan has recently stepped up and legislated a first set of cyber crime Laws, governing the large number of crimes related to social media and Information Technology.
Lexicon Juret has an expert hand to provide legal service for defense and prosecution in cyber crime trials.